
dear you
someone who emotional
someone who often called me stupid 
and bodoh
ya i know
i'm fool enough
that's my fault to trust you 
maybe you just bored yesterday 
maybe you just....
i dont know
i dont know why you have changed suddenly 
i dont know why you just read my message
i dont know why you aren't text me again
worried about me again
angry with me if I did something wrong or if I did something stupid 

i miss your angry face
I mean your "ngambek" face 
I miss your laugh
you are so humorist
you always insert a jokes and laughed in every situation
even though it's not a good situation or when we talked something serious

i remember the day when you called me at night, the day when i was sleepover at my friend's 
you tell me your secret
you said i shouldnt tell your story to everyone 
you said you are so sad and you want to cry at that time 
i'm so sad too when you tell me about your story

And today
Maybe this is your special day
Maybe today is your happiest day
I want to congratulate you for you achievement
I know you are happy af
I'm happy too
I hope you can get more subscriber, until 100k subs!! 1 million subs!!
Hehe aamiinnn
Fighting bb😊
And good luck! 


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