I'm sorry

Dear you
My ex boyfriend's friend

Im sorry
I dont want if you love me more
Because i dont want to be your heart break again
I dont want to make you sad again
I dont want to make you feel "im fool. Im dumb. Why i choosed her?"
I think
I was same with your ex
The different is
Im not dating with my ex again
But i think i still have a feeling for someone
Someone who already break my heart
I know im stupid enough

I have said to you if i will move on and forget him but the truth is...
I dont know
Im not totally forget him
Because sometimes he's coming in to my mind.
Maybe i still have a little feeling for him
But, if i meet him. I hate him. Idk why
Idk why i dont like to see him

Once again
Im sorry
My ex boyfriend's friend
You already knew if i dont want to have a special relationship with you
You already knew if i dont want to love you

And you have known whats the reason
Its because you are my ex boyfriend's friend.

I know if im too selfish
Im sorry
And if we are in a special relationship
Many people will talk anything behind us
"Anything" means... a good talk and a bad talk.

Once again
Im sorry
Im sorry because you thought that i was ignoring you
Im sorry because you thought that you are not important to me
Im sorry because i always late to replying your message
From three months ago
Until now
Im sorry because i often make you wait of my text until you fall asleep

Im sorry if i dissapointed you
I dont want to make you more dissapoint
Because if i go to cinema with you
I will feel more "php"
I dont want to "php-in" you

Thank you for anything
Thank you for acted like you are care to me
Thank you for always be patient with me
Thank you for always give me a pretty smile if i looked at you
Thank you for all your kindness
You have a kindheart
Many people knows that


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