I know that I'm not your priority

I don't know if i'm too sensitive or it's you that never really mean what you said
you never really mean it
the "I miss you" sentence

I know that you are not really miss me
I know that you are not really wants to see me
ya i know i'm not your priority
of course Rif
Who are you?
Who the hell are you in his life?
I don't even know who am I in your life

I just curious about anything that you have been said to me
I just want to know "did you really mean what you said?"
do you really, love me?
no, you don't

if someone really loves you
you don't have to keep begging them for a text, call or spend time.
you don't have to begging them for meet up with you
they'll do it if you are a priority
they'll do if he really miss you so damn much

No matter how busy a person is,
if they really care, they will always find  time for you.
but, the truth is
No one is really busy
It depends on what number you are on their priority list.

so ya, lo ga penting rif

Hahaha ok never beg for love. Never beg for attention, commitment, affection, time, or effort. never beg for someone to come back and stay. No one is worth begging for:)


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