A Connection

Take me back
to the three good old days in seruni

it isn't about tea hills or mountain

it's about how i missed drink my coffe and eat a peanut in the cold night

it was a cold night


it isn't about how fun in seruni

ya to be honest, it was fun

to meet a new friends

or learned journalistic with Mr. Suradi

but believe me

it's more than that

i feel like I found something that i never find it before

i found a connection

a connection with someone

i dont know what's happened with us

why we talked for hours at that night?

why we are really dont have an interest with the others? i mean, they have fun with that games but we just dont care with that.

yash. you are more intresting than warewolf or under cover

I never play that games before

and to be honest im so curious why many people loves that games


at that night

i don't know

i just want to know anything about you, more

and more

you asked me a questions that no one else ever asked

like "rasio bintang lo apa?"

i think in this era, no one believe in zodiac again. but you asked me.

and it's surprised me that your birthday is same with my dad


your friend said "wah gila sih. kaya udah ada pintu gerbang yang ke buka tau ga buat xxx" "brarti kan lu ga akan lupain dia rif. lo bayangin aja tiap bokap lu ulang tahun berarti lu juga bakalan inget kalo dia ulang tahun juga"


i will never forget you

ehm wait

maybe i will forget you

but, if i got an amnesia :p

i'm so confused

with my self

with my feelings

why am I so happy when you text me for the first time? why am I so happy too when i know what you said to mbak Riri? and what you said to your friend about us.

why am I so happy to see your smile? and why am I happy too when i found you? i think that you and your friends are in the first group, the lead one. not like me and the others. the late one hahaha the last people when tracking.


i'm so shocked when i saw you hahaha i know it's too much. "ih enak banget celana lo"

hahaha. i still remember your first words that you said to me, at the last day in Seruni. to start the conv right? hahaha
if i can turn back time

i want to choose

to not to know you

because you make me feel guilty about my self

"And I don't mind if you hate me

'Cause baby if I were you I would probably hate me too"
i think the lyrics already represented what i want to say to you

it's a confession

i'm sorry

i'm too afraid to make your heart break

and i dont want to do that

i told that i'm happy to see your smile

i'm happy when you sent me your selfie even it isn't a full face. hahaha it's cute

it's cute too when you told me that i'm pretty hahaha, i don't know why. when someone told me that i'm pretty, my cheeks aren't getting red. but trust me. there are butterflies in my stomach when you said that.
i know it's too much again.

and one more

when your friend said that "sumpah gue kaya dejavu. xxx juga pernah bilang kaya gitu ke gue. sama persis kaya yang lo bilang barusan sumpah. makanya gue mikir. kaya pernah denger ada yang ngomong kaya gini persis siapa ya. oiya xxx"
hahaha wow

i think it's cool

em no

it isn't cool

i think we can called it "sehati"


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