I dont know what is this.

20:00 PM

Have you ever feel like you are the saddest person in the world?
I know this is a hiperbola statement but, 
When your tears are falling down from your eyes, when you are breathless, or when you dont have any appetite because you've been too long to not eating. But honestly you are very hungry. 

Have you ever feel like everybodys are fake?
All those people you know are not really love you. They dont really care about you. 
They dont care what happens to you right know. Even if you are just a little sick or seriouslly ill. 

Am I too spoiled? 
I think im not. I always hide my sadness. Im in love with my bedroom. Especially my bed. Its because my bedroom is a witness. A witness of my sadness. 
I always lock the door, turn on the radio and start crying. Is it too melancholic? Or Am i too fractious? 

I dont know
When i grow up 
I cry more often than when i was a kid.
when my mom or my dad scoleded me,
I always sad. If you know, to be a first daughter is very tiring. Your parents never believe you. They always think you are the source of the problem. You are a selfish person. You are a mean person, you are stubborn. You're never care with your brother and your sister, you have your own world that no one can distrub you. 

My parents though about me like that. 
You know what, they thougt were very hurt me. 
I always helped my brother and my sister.
When my sister or my brother has a homework and they couldnt did their homework, i always did. 
Even though tomorrow is a national exam. 
Or a school exam that determined you could graduate or not. 
And even though i was sick, got an influenza, sore throat, or asthma, I'm still trying to thaough them, to help them finish their homework.

And right now
I just need a little help from my sister and my lil bro but they are too reluctant to helped me. 
A week ago, i got a sore throat and influenza. I need some foods and some healthy drinks.
And you know what? They wont to help me. 

Its no problem because i could order my groceries with gojek. 
And right now. I feel... seriously sick. 

And right now I want to end this writing because im very tired and wanna sleep.
Tomorrow i have a morning class in the campus so I should take a rest to restore my health. Although i always cough, should remove a mucus and my chest very choky. I will try to sleep well ☺ 


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