I know how complicated i am

"You dont have to delete that word, cause it is"
What do you mean?
Is it fun?
Do you think you are in the playground?

"You dont know how complicated you are"
Honestly i know
I know how complicated i am

Dont you know why i acted like that to you?
How old are you?
Sorry, i know this is an impolite question but you have to realize if you are not a child anymore.
In this age, you must learn how to be an adults.
Maybe you think "lo yg ke kanak-kanakan"
Because you said i have changed suddenly.
And you said its sucked.

Do you want to know why i've changed suddenly?
I just want to know whats your responses if i acted like you. I just want to be your second home. So i can be your diary. Im happy to listened all your story. Im truly want to know "whats wrong with you?" "What happened?" "Are you okay?"

I think you need someone who can cheer you up everytime
Someone who can motivate you
Someone who can support you
And someone who can stand by your side anytime

And yes
I want
I want to do that

But right now
I think you dont need me anymore

Do you want to know why a few weeks ago i used this pict to be my home line photo?

Its because "kalo lo ga butuh gue, ya gue juga ga butuh lo"
Ya karna kalo seseorang butuh
Dia pasti bakal dateng ke lo

And then
Dont you know if "cinta ga semain-main itu"
"Cinta ga seburu-buru itu"
We need a more time to know each other very well
Do you think its enough? You have said "i dont know anything about you"
So, "don't you curious about me?

Ya i know you are not the type of person who want to know another bussiness so you dont care about that

Is it wrong if i suddenly acted different to you? Like replied your message with one word and late reply?

I just want to know whats your responses
Maybe you think "is it fun??" "Am i your toy?"
I dont mean to make you confused about me, make you sad, break your heart or the other evils things


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